The Fangirl Diaries
Best friends and self-diagnosed Fangirls, Maddie and Alicia revisit their pop culture obsessions from their high school tweens to their “professional” thirties. Join these Millennial nerds as they explore the books, films and fandoms that shaped them.
The Fangirl Diaries
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S5)
"Glorificus! Your terrifically smooth one, Your creamy coolness, Your Most glamorous yet tasteful one, Oh..." If Clare Kramer is here as Buffy's best ever Big Bad then it must be Season 5! A team favourite: The Scoobies Willow, Xander, Tara and Anya all mysteriously yet conveniently accept Dawn (aka The Key) as one of their own in the battle to save Sunnydale from yet another Apocalypse ("How many apocalypses is that for us now? At least six..."). Giles gets his Magic Shop, Xander gets a twin, Riley gets lost and Buffy gets a new peroxide-haired admirer in the shape of Spike. It's time to go "Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch."